From one passionate knitter to another.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Where has the time gone?

Well it is now 2013 and I have neglected my blog.  I have been knitting and creating a lot of beautiful things.  I plan on posting them as soon as possible.  I have also decided to make some business cards (custom made of course) which I can hand out to people or provide with a knitted item in case they wish to request further things.  Since 2011 I have actually sold one item and it was awesome!  The only thing I need to decide on is what my pricing for things will be.  I always find this challenging as you cannot charge an hourly rate.  The reason why we knit is because of sheer enjoyment, so how do you put a price on the finished project?  Hopefully with some suggestions from my family and friends I will find my answer.